Herbal heating pad for the back contains a blend of tradition herbs from the nature. This pad could ease the pain in the back, hip, along the spinal cord and other types of pain caused by osteoarthritis, herniated disc, lack of movement while working. With one pad on, you can also feel the warmth all over the body, the menstrual cramps is reduced, belly fat is burnt, stress is reduced and the sound sleep is coming.
Oriental medicine practitioners stated that, heat therapy, when being applied together with natural herbal essences, will directly influence acupuncture points all over the body, thereby clear the blockage in energy and blood flow and reduce the pain rapidly. By putting heat on some heat-sensible parts of the body, this pad helps you in the same way that analgesic drugs do.
The combination of heat and herb essences works wonders on the blood circulation and the acupuncture points. This pad helps you ease the tension in the back, sciatica pain and stomachache.
This is a must have for:
- People with osteoarthritis, herniated disc, pain of the sciatica pain
- People working in office, lack of movement
- People doing high stress jobs or having to sit in one position for a long time while doing their jobs like traders, drivers
- Elderly people, postpartum women, women having dysmenorrhea
- Elderly people, people who want to get rid of belly fat
This pad contains a blend of several valuable herbs that are useful in detoxifying the body such as: Clove (Close), Cockscomb mint, Ginger, Lotus leave, Lolot, Green tea, Mugwort, Mint, Cinnamon twig, Foetid cassia, etc. These herbs are blended following an heirloom oriental prescription.
How to use it:
– Put the herbal pad in the microwave for 1-3 minutes, the heat will soften the pad and release the herbal steam along with its soothing scent. Take the pad out and test the temperature on your arm first. The product should be warmed to some certain temperature depending on each person’s individual adaptations.
– Put the pad on the body part that is in need of healing and relaxing. Leave it on the place until it cool down. You can move and walk as freely as normal while using it.
The pad should be tested before use to make sure that its temperature is suitable for your body. You can totally increase or decrease the heating time in the microwave in order to reach a temperature that make you feel most comfortable with.
Use it 1-3 times a day depending on your personal need.
* This product can be used at least 100-200 times. Even when the smell dries out, it is still good for use as a heating pad
*Keep it in a sealed plastic bag. Store in dry places
*Good for use in: 02 years from the manufacturing date
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